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Coba 10 Live Class Remarketing

FREE AKSES materi 30 hari basic digital marketing bersama expert speakers sekarang!

Unlock Expert Insights: Learn Cutting-Edge Strategies Directly from Top Industry Leaders

Lebih dari 600 warga remarketing sudah percaya dan bergabung. Sekarang giliran kamu!

Jujurly iya banget seseru ituu. Pertama kali join komunitas dan masuk grup yg bahasannya kompleks ya soal digital marketing, tapi kok warga nya seru. Emang boleh se asik itu? Boleh bgt ternyata. Sebagai Gen Z jadi ga kaku2 bgt bisa join and catchup sama warga lainnya di grup. Ga berasa anak bawang walau masi nyubiii
Fikri Razak Satwika
Fikri Razak Satwika@razakfikri.s
Awal masuk si agak kaget ya sama konsepnya hehehe. Tapi setelah sudah bersama cukup lama akhirnya aku paham dan merasa terbantu banget dengan adanya grup ini 😍
Said Haikal Fikri
Said Haikal Fikri@saidhaikal
Masuk grup WA komunitas apalagi yg se profesi seperti banyak banget benefitnya seperti koneksi. Practical use case dan even hal remeh temeh seperti teknis bisa di diskusiin bareng. Karena jujur begitu cepatnya trend digital marketing yg terjadi kita butuh satu wadah untuk ‘nyerap’ tren digital marketing yg mungkin miss dari kita melalui satu channel ini, sukses terus deh buat remarketing dan para tamu”nya 🔥🙏🏻
Jujur ini bukan grup belajar lebih ke grup lawak wkw. Soalnya kakak kakak adminnya ga kaku. Luwes banget kek lele. Dan tiap ada yg nanya pasti dijawab dan dikasi masukan. Dan yang terpenting respon yang kasi jawaban juga ga kaya mentor tp lebih ke temen. Jadi asik si menurut aku mah hehe
Emang boleh se-humble ini grupnya?? YA BOLEH LAH 😭 wkwk pas bgt lg turun gunung, belajar marketing lagi yg cepet bgt perubahannya trs tiba2 nemu di explore akun ini. Auto cuss join lah kelasnya dan ikut komunitas WAG nya. Seneng banget nemu grup komunitas sehumble ini, semua saling menghargai walau kita jg kdg masih belajar atau ada hal yg gatau, jd gada rasa malu buat bertanya. Walau masih bolong2 ikut kelasnya tapi tetep dapet elmu dari temen2 disini. Thank youu!
Idham Ridho
Idham Ridho@idriska.id
Saya waktu itu dapet rekomendasi dari temen kantor. Sebagai digital marketer yang baru terjun ke agensi, re marketing sangat welcome banget untuk para newbie, aktif aja nanti pasti ada yg bantuin kok kalo bingung² nya. Kelasnya juga murah dan aksesnya bisa kapan aja. Praktis, ngga ribet. Join aja mumpung lagi banyak promo hehehe❤️
Rio andhika
Rio andhika@rioandhikaa
Kalo gabung di grup WA nya ini no medicine bgt sih. Banyak pembahasan2 yang diluar nurul dan tentu sangat bermanfaat. Udah gitu topik2 tiap diskusinya juga selalu membagongkan anti mainstream abisss. Coolll

Full 30-Day Module

Modul akan dikirim melalui WhatsApp, jadi pastikan nomor WhatsApp kamu sudah benar ya!


Insights You’ll Gain:

Optimize marketing for clear objectives

Craft experiences targeting audience problems

Employ cultural insights for impactful marketing

Develop pitches that mirror brand values and appeal to media

Build deep connections for growth through brand experience

Your Speakers:

Michael Purnama 

Associate Strategy Director, co-Founder Smith Men Supply

Lila Talitha

Group Executive Creative Director at Flock (FCN)

Muhammad Nanda Satrio

Planning Manager Ogilvy Indonesia

…and many more!

Social Media

Insights You’ll Gain:

Understand how TikTok’s algorithm favors longer content to enhance engagement and reach 

Learn the effectiveness of visual storytelling 

Leverage the rising trend of social ecommerce on TikTok 

Learn how to develop Brand Persona 

Tips for writing content that sparks conversation

Your Speakers:

Keanshihab Is’ad Hakim

Social Media Strategist & CEO at Nakama Creative Lab

Safa Alattas

Marketing Manager at Algoritma

Farhan Haykal Bakrie

Social Media Lead at Bank Mega

…and many more!


Insights You’ll Gain:

Learn to weave psychology into copy for better audience engagement and influence

Gain skills to adapt content creatively across various platforms

Discover strategies to build and leverage your personal brand in copywriting

Methods for crafting compelling copy suited to Instagram, landing pages, and beyond

Expand your expertise to include headlines, storylines, scriptwriting, and taglines

Your Speakers:

Galih Perdana

Copywriter at Multinational Creative Agency

Veronica Gabriella

Senior Copywriter at eDOT

Rivaldo Kusuma

Copywriter at Flock

…and many more!

Customer Relationship Management

Insights You’ll Gain:

Key tactics from first buy to loyalty

Discover how to design email campaigns that resonate with each segment

Utilize analytics to refine segmentation

Enhance the personalization of email interactions

A Guide to Convert More Customers with WhatsApp

Your Speakers:

Hafidz Baktyawan

Marketing Technology Lead at Gojek

Gleneagles Putri

Asst. CRM & Performance Marketing Manager at blu by BCA Digital

Zidni Kadir

Head of Subscription Growth Kompas.id

…and many more!

Key Opinion Leader

Insights You’ll Gain:

Grasp digital branding’s role in online identity and awareness.

Tactics for reach and engagement through KOL collaboration.

Importance of uniform branding for recognition.

Evaluate audience interaction to fine-tune marketing efforts.

Your Speakers:

Shinta Aulya

Public Relation Practitioner at Communications Consultant Company

Marketing Strategy

Insights You’ll Gain:

Learn how to develop a valuable community within your brand

Insights into the critical roles within community management

Learn to align marketing campaigns with clear objectives

Discover how to create effective brand experiences

Gain insights on creating content that entertains and engages

Your Speakers:

Arvan Fadhlurrahman

Senior Social Media at Tokopedia

Rakhmah Audina

Growth Marketer at Kompas.id

Rakasiwi P. Putra

Head of Programatic Partnership at Detik

…and many more!

Search Engine Optimization

Insights You’ll Gain:

Understand traditional SEO’s ongoing importance for visibility.

Learn adaptive approaches for the changing search landscape.

Discover keys to keeping content relevant and engaging.

Understand how to weave SEO into social media effectively.

Strategic Keyword Use in Social Content:

Your Speakers:

Nur Anasta Rahmat

CMO of Iklanmu Digital Nusantara

Ridho Putradi S’Gara

Founder & CEO at Search Agency

David Sebastian

Ex Digital Marketing Lead InvestasiKu

…and many more!

Performance Marketing

Insights You’ll Gain:

Gain a solid understanding of pixel tracking fundamentals.

How to effectively optimize Google Search Ads campaigns.

Knowledge on optimizing CPAS, implementing strategies to increase ROAS & GMV

How to advertise on TikTok and achieve a high ROAS with TikTok Ads.

Understanding and Calculating the Marketing Efficiency Ratio

Optimizing E-commerce for Organic and Paid Success

Your Speakers:

Dwinandha Legawa

Head of Marketing Jala

Aisha Syifa Maudina

Digital Marketing Section Head at Boleh Dicoba Digital

Fakhri Sutapratama

Jr. Digital Marketing Manager at BHUMI Skincare

…and many more!